JavaScript articles written by JavaScript developers

We have worked with JavaScript for over 20 years; here are some of our articles on it.

We've spent over 20 years working with JavaScript. We've done everything from animations to single page web apps. We've worked through the `document.write` days and lived to tell the tale.

Making web-banners that would display a random banner on each page load was how Toby cut his teeth in JS. Followed by serious work in jQuery and now more mature frameworks like Meteor, Backbone, Ember and React.

We write performant, production ready JavaScript that doesn't compromise on performance and doesn't try and do too much.

Hopefully you enjoy what JavaScript writings we have to share.

If you have any suggestions for things we should write about please do get in contact, or perhaps you would like to work with us?

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Web Dev

Creating draft posts in Jekyll

How to create and develop with draft posts in Jekyll


Forcing a Rails database column to be not null

How you can force a table column to always have something in it with Rails