Getting Debian to recognise your UK Chromebook

How you can go about getting Debian to recognise your UK Chromebook

I am running Debian on my Chromebook (via Crouton), and one of the issues I had to deal with when I set up Debian initially was that the keyboard layout is set to English(US). In my experience this normally means very minor things normally around where the @ symbol lives.

With the Chromebook however there seems to be way more keybindings that were just different, and non-obvious, so the task of getting the keyboard setup correctly quickly took priority. Here is how I did it.

  1. Click on Applications Menu
  2. Go to Settings > Keyboard
  3. Click on Layout
  4. Untick 'Use System Defaults'
  5. Under Keyboard Layout click 'Add'
  6. Find English (UK), select it and click 'OK'
  7. Click on English (US) in your list and click 'Delete'

This should be you, keys I would check are |\#~, these all seemed to be the most messed up for me.

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