Ruby Contractor Belfast

We are Ruby Contractors based in Belfast, and we are available for hire! 💙

If you’re reading this we’re guessing you are interested in hiring a Ruby Contractor in Belfast. Great! We are Belfast based Ruby developers and are available for short and medium term contracting, thanks for taking the time to read this.

If you have any questions the easiest way to contact us is via email, we will get back very quickly.

Our Experience

In our various lives as a Ruby developers we’ve worked on everything from small scripts to large enterprise level applications. We’ve had to integrate with several popular services (and some obscure ones!) and we’ve extensively used some of the standard gems and frameworks used within the Ruby community.

Here is a non-exhaustive snapshot of things we’ve done with Ruby;

Of course we’re going to say we’re great at writing Ruby, we want you to hire us! So don’t take our word for it, here are some things folk have said about our Ruby work in the past;

Toby is a skilled Ruby and Javascript developer. He could always be counted on to jump in and acquire new skills as the need arose, whether it be a framework, methodology or language.

Senior Engineer

I had the pleasure to interact a lot with Toby. We were in the same Back-End team when I started as a Junior Developer. He was an amazing mentor for me and I learnt plenty of things with him. I cannot thank him enough for that.

Ruby Developer

Toby is by far one of the best developers I got the chance to work with!


Elaine Osbourn not only responded with a fast and efficient service, providing us with several options for managing and maintaining our website but she also identified some areas of security and software improvements that have extended the ‘life’ of our existing website.

Marketing manager

Feel free to verify any of the above on LinkedIn profile.

We often write about Ruby and have had our articles shared in places like Ruby Weekly. One such example is Toby’s explanation of What is the Gemfile, which Google has seen fit to share when you search for it.

What is a Gemfile?

The unique issues of looking for a Ruby Developer in Belfast

We are very fortunate in that Ruby is in huge demand across the country, this is especially true here in Belfast. Even very inexperienced developers command large wages and due to the huge amount of work available it is hard to keep good people for very long.

Things move fast in Belfast, and if you aren’t shipping product you could well be falling behind your competition. Being behind your competition is not somewhere you want to be.

Hiring people like us to work for a fixed amount of time can help to keep your roadmap moving forward whilst you focus on getting the culture and setup right to attract and maintain great Ruby talent more permanently.

This means you won’t fall behind the competition, and you won’t be wasting money trying to find the right person for your company.

But there are a lot of Ruby Contractors in Belfast

Ha, yeah, there are and there are some amazing companies you could outsource your project too as well.

Competition in our line of work is stiff so it means we can’t afford to rest on our laurels and deliver sub-standard service to our clients. We need to be providing value from day one.

At the end of our contract with you we want you to be trying to find reasons to keep us involved with the company. We can only do this by making sure we are up to date on the latest technologies that will help your company and by being incredibly productive every day we are with you.

Not only Ruby developers

Being a Ruby developer is an excellent line of work, and when we say we are not only Ruby developers we don’t meant to be disparaging. All we mean is that we can provide a lot more value to your company than being another developer.

You can see a full run down of other things we offer on our hire us page but the short version is that we have been managing teams and getting involved in product roadmaps for a long time now. This means we can provide more benefits to your company than completing items on your roadmap.

How we like to work

We consider ourselves to be incredibly pragmatic, we do not believe in dogma around coding practices or methodologies – we will work out the best way to deliver high quality work of value within the constraints of your organisation.

If your organisation doesn’t have anything set up we will happily share our experiences over what has worked and what hasn’t in the past with you.

What we can offer

As experienced Ruby developers who have had plenty of management experience we feel we could slot into quite a few required roles;

We don’t want to say “everything”, but we have plenty of experience and are confident in our abilities to deliver on projects large and small as a members of a team or as solo developers.


We normally book at least a couple of months out in advance, but the best thing to do is contact us if you wanted to chat more.

But I’m not in Belfast

That is 100% fine, we offer the exact same services remotely as well. We’ve worked in companies that are 100% remote and other companies who have a very strong culture of remote working. Let’s talk!

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