This page links to everything we've written on the site. We've written a lot over the years and we try to revisit articles to make sure the information in them is current.
Latest articles

Check in with your database
It pays to take a step back and look at how your database is set up every so often. You will often find quick wins and hidden tech debt.

Keeping on top of website updates
Learn what website updates are, what they entail, why they are important, and how we can help

Getting the most out of your agency
Here are some tips based on years of working with, for, and as an agency on how to get the most out of any work you do.

Select multiple lines in VS Code
How to select multiple lines to edit at once within VS Code

Move a line up or down with VS Code
A quick tip on moving lines up or down a file using your keyboard in VS Code

Some Mac Tips
Some settings or tips I've learned over the years to make using your Mac an even nicer experience
All other articles
Right now, the main things we write about are:
- Ruby — Ruby is our programming language of choice, we love the language and the community
- Freelancing — We work on a contract basis with many clients and have picked up a thing or two about freelancing
- Productivity — There is no better feeling than finishing a work day knowing you have made good progress on important work
- Web Dev — As web developers, we end up writing about web dev often
- Team Management — How best to manage and lead teams of developers
We've also written about these topics:
- Writing
- JavaScript
- Elixir
- Interviews
- Accessibility
- Reviews
- Marketing
- Students
- Jekyll
- Mac
- Server Basics
- Talk
- Git
- Slack
- Personal
- Command Line
- VS Code
If you have an idea for an article you would like to see us write, then please get in touch.