Keeping Elixir Packages Updated
How to check that your mix.exs file is giving you the latest and greatest
It is good practice to regularly make sure dependencies in your project are up to date so that you are running the latest and (hopefully) greatest code.
In Elixir we use Hex to manage dependencies and it comes with some awesome tooling to help make sure we’re up to date.
mix hex.outdated
The first command is mix hex.outdated
. The one liner from the docs is;
Shows all Hex dependencies that have newer versions in the registry.
When you run this command you will get something back like this;
Dependency Current Latest Update possible
credo 0.8.3 0.8.4 Yes
dialyxir 0.5.0 0.5.0
distillery 1.4.1 1.4.1
edeliver 1.4.3 1.4.3
ex_doc 0.16.2 0.16.2
For this project I can immediately see that credo
can be updated. The reason the
update is possible is because my mix.exs
file covers a newer version that I just
haven’t set up yet.
If my mix.exs
was set up to only allow a package to update to a certain version
and the registry has a newer version than we would see something like this;
Dependency Current Latest Update possible
ecto 2.1.4 2.1.4
ecto_enum 1.0.1 1.0.1
facebook 0.9.0 0.13.2 No
In this one we can see that the facebook
hex package is out of date but we
can’t simply just run mix deps.update
(I’m going to explain that shortly).
If we look in our mix.exs
file we can see that our facebook
dependency is
set to {:facebook, "~> 0.9.0"}
If you haven’t seen the pessimistically greater than or equal to operator before I’ve written about it on an article on Gemfiles.
The quick explanation is that saying “~> 0.9.0” is like saying. “Allow any version that is greater than or equal to 0.9 to be installed, so long as the version is lower than 0.10”.
The fix here would be to bump up what we expect :facebook
to accept. Of course
you should test everything after doing updates, and be especially careful in case
there was a reason you locked to a particular version.
mix deps.update
So we’ve seen there is some stuff we could update, luckily the process of updating hex packages is very straight forward.
From the docs;
Updates the given dependencies.
mix deps.update
will update your dependencies to the highest available version
that matches your mix.exs
requirements as well as requirements made by other
packages that your packages depend on.
If mix deps.update
fails it should give you enough information to start searching
for a solution. Often it is because you require a version of something that another
package can’t use.
You run it by passing in the package you wish to update, from our earlier example
I could run mix deps.update credo
. If I was feeling devil may care I might even
update everything at once with mix deps.update --all
Umbrella Projects
If you try and run mix hex.outdated
in an umbrella project you will only get
results for the hex packages you’ve directly installed in your mix.exs
If you don’t relish the idea of going into each of your individual apps and running
the command then you can run mix hex.outdated --all
. This isn’t a perfect solution
because it returns all dependencies, including ones you didn’t actively specify.
Because you see everything in one list it is impossible to work out which are things you’ve actively relied on and which are dependencies of dependencies.
Another solution is to write a quick bash script, which I’m a big fan of.
I created a file called
#! /bin/bash
for app in apps/* ; do
cd $app
mix hex.outdated
cd -
Set it to be executable with chmod +x
then I can run it with
. This will loop through all my apps (in an apps directory)
and run the mix hex.outdated
command on them.