Finding the List ID for the Marketo API

Here is how you find the LIst ID when using the Marketo API

Very quick post, this is something that took me a while to find out so I wanted to share in case you too are finding it hard to grab the List ID in Marketo.

List ID for Marketo API

There are several places in the Marketo API that require a List ID to be sent. Unfortunately there is no obvious way to find out these List IDs when you are browsing about Marketo.

Check the URL

When you are in your list look up at the URL, it should look something like this;

The bit we care about is #ST1234A1, here is a breakdown of what this means;

  • We can ignore the #.
  • ST stands for static list – We can ignore this.
  • 1234 is the list ID – This is the thing we want.
  • A1 is the tab in the UI – We can ignore this.

1234 is our List ID, now go forth and conquer. (or go fifth, I don’t care).

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