My Wedding Speech

Here's an online backup of the speech I gave at my wedding

I wanted to back this up somewhere online, here are the notes I read from.

This isn’t going to be anything long or rambly, just really a few words to thank some folk!

So yeah, cheers for coming everyone, it has been great to have you here.

I want to call out a couple of people;

Danielle - For being generally awesome but specifically agreeing to be my best person and organising the stag and stuff.

Megan - For shaving her moustache today and generally being a great wee sister

Mum - For doing amazing work with the invites that you all received and for helping us organise things like the table plan and stuff, it was a massive help and meant a lot to us both.

And obviously Elaine - For making me very happy and entering into what is pretty much a legally binding contract which means I get to play with your boobs whenever I want, seriously though, I love ya! Always have!

Finally - cheers to all you folk that haven’t been name checked, we purposefully kept this wedding small and only invited people that truly mattered to us, so seriously thanks for coming and thanks for being awesome.


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