Pictures from LRUG Nov ‘15

Some pictures from November 2015’s London Ruby User Group

I plan to write up my thoughts on my first London Ruby Users Group meetup in a future post or two, for now I would like to share some snaps I took, emphasis on the word snaps, these will win no prizes!

Hack like a Journalist

Hack like a journalist
Hack like a journalist
Hack like a journalist - Journalism Vs Software Development
Hack like a journalist - Journalism Vs Software Development
Hack like a journalist - Pyramid
Hack like a journalist - Pyramid
Hack like a journalist - Clarity
Hack like a journalist - Clarity
Hack like a journalist - Thank You
Hack like a journalist - Thank You

No Man’s Land

No Man's Land
No Man's Land
Kevin Monk & Simon Sharville
No Man's Land – Kevin Monk & Simon Sharville
No Man's Land – Creative Wall
No Man's Land – Creative Wall
No Man's Land – Venn Diagram
No Man's Land – Venn Diagram

Immutability in Ruby

Immutability in Ruby
Immutability in Ruby
Immutability in Ruby – Lorenzo Barasti
Immutability in Ruby – Lorenzo Barasti

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