The Settlers Packaging
I recently found the packaging for The Settlers, I’m sure some of you will appreciate
I was at my mum’s house recently and stumbled upon an original box for the Classics reissue of The Settlers. I can’t remember when I bought the re-issue but I loved the original version on the Amiga.
I wanted to share the pictures because if you’re anything like me you’ll immediately begin hearing the sounds of the game again!
The Box
Here are some images of the box. Remember when games used to come in huge cardboard boxes?

Registration Card
Here are some pictures of the registration card, I love how it never really explained what you might win.

Sales Booklet
I don’t think I could have named another Blue Byte game other than those in The Settlers franchise.

Two CDs came in this box, one for the game and one for the internet. Ahh, internet CDs.

Instruction Booklet
I miss instruction booklets on things.