What can The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo teach us

Important lessons that we can learn from Stieg Larsson's book about web design

Absolutely nothing.

So please just enjoy stuff without having to link it to web design, or web development, or pretty much anything that is within my field of interest - I am sick of reading posts that include tenuous links to either the current trend or to something quirky that can act as link bait.

If the points you raise are valid and haven't been covered 100 times before then please just make a standard post and let your content be the thing that makes it stand out, not the gimmick you have attached to it.

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Web Dev

Updating payment method email addresses in Stripe

You can't update the email address associated with a payment method in Stripe via their dashboard, you need to use the Stripe CLI


Irreversible Rails Migrations

What are irreversible migrations and how might we use them to our advantage?