What I would change about the Computer Science degree course

Some of my thoughts on what I would've liked on my Computer Science course

This morning Will Hamill asked my opinions on what I would change or add onto the Computer Science course with a view to making it more Software Developmenty (Developmenty is, in fact, a word).

Here are my initial thoughts, some of them are things I have thought would be good for a while, others came into my head this morning when mulling it over.

  • At least a theoretical knowledge of version control systems. (A half module)
  • Practical knowledge of code reviews, bug finding and issue reporting. (Full module)
  • Practical Code Security (See: OWASP Guide Project) (1 Basic module, 1 Advanced module)
  • A greater emphasis placed on maintainable code. (Throughout other modules)
  • A greater emphasis on the need to adhere to current best practices. (Throughout other modules)
  • A Testing module, with practical examples of all the different phases of testing. (Full module)

What would you change about the university course you took?

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