How we helped BPR Architects

Rails development and site improvements for BPR Architects, London.

BPR Architects excel in meticulous design. We enhanced their website to reflect their professionalism.

Web Development

The Rails app that runs the BPR website needed some love. Since the first release of the website some requirements had changed and some extra functionality was required.

As well as bringing Ruby, Rails, and associated gems up to speed we also helped to implement new sections on their website so they can better serve their website visitors.

Seeing the benefit in making small changes regularly, we worked with BPR for small bodies of work on the website to continually improve it.

Client Testimonials

We were recommended to use Tosbourn Ltd for some revisions and updates to our website.

Elaine Osbourn not only responded with a fast and efficient service, providing us with several options for managing and maintaining our website but she also identified some areas of security and software improvements that have extended the 'life' of our existing website.

All this was provided at a very reasonable fee.

We will not hesitate to use Elaine for our next website project and to continue to seek her advice on how to keep our site up to date so that we continue to improve the User Experience for visitors to our website.

Tech Stack

Some of the technologies we used to help BPR Architects;

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