How we helped Yomo

Technical consultancy for Yomo, Belfast.

Yomo, formally PiggyPot, were savings app built to change the way people save and think about money, helping people stay debt free whilst still living their life.


We have provided a mixture of consultancy for Yomo, helping them with projects in JavaScript, Ruby, and Elixir.

When dealing with money, you don't get the option of adding safety and security into the code as an after thought, it needs to be solid out of the gate.

We had to balance the requirements of moving fast and course correcting as we learned new things with the need to do things in a reportable and professional fashion.

We also provided high level support with technical planning and implementation details.

Client Testimonials

I've worked with Toby several times over the past 5 years. Most recently, we've contracted Toby to work with us at PiggyPot. Toby has helped us with a range of technologies including Ruby, JavaScript and more recently, Elixir. All of these projects make up a large and complex architecture and we needed someone who we knew would be comfortable with this. Having worked with Toby previously, we knew that he would be able to help us.

Further to this, we use Toby's experience to help us with:
  • Architectural design and decisions
  • Mandatory code reviews
  • Security reviews/advice
  • SEO reviews/advice
To cap this all off, Toby is easy to get on with and reliable. We're sure to keep using his services.

Tech Stack

Some of the technologies we used to help Yomo;

Interested in hearing more about this project or working together? Get in touch

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