Re-building the Marketing Department to be Fit for the Future

A talk from Patrick Jubb at the Chief Digital Officer Forum in London

I was lucky enough to catch Patrick Jubb give a talk during the Chief Digital Officer Forum which was held recently in London.

I have to say as a disclaimer, the reason I was at the event was I work for the company which was hosting it and wanted to get a feel for the type of events we put on. Whilst it is in my best interests to paint my company’s events in a positive light I hope you will believe me that I would not lie on my personal blog (or anywhere). Now, onto my writeup!

Patrick is the Marketing Director at Crystal Palace football club. He has been described as a “Marketing Guru” but I didn’t let that stop me from listening to what he had to say! ;-)

Patrick Jubb

His talk was titled Re-building the Marketing Department to be Fit for the Future. He had some wonderful insights into what he feels a more appropriate marketing department would look like to help tackle current and future digital issues.

He started by explaining that the dynamic has changed between brands and consumers. Simple marketing campaigns just don’t cut it anymore because consumers want an ongoing relationship with brands.

One of the problems highlighted by Patrick is that the typical marketing department are putting out content between 9 - 5 Monday to Friday. He feels that these more traditional approaches are missing two critical components;

  1. The content should look to share moments of passion between the brand and the consumer.
  2. The content should try and share a pulse with the consumer, keeping up with their rhythm and pace.

This notion of sharing a pulse with the consumer really makes sense to me. It seems so obvious but I know any time I try and do any form of social media for anything I am working on, it is always on my terms – not the terms of the people I hope to be speaking to.

I really enjoyed his talk and the room seemed to feel likewise.

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