What I use SetApp for

A rundown of the applications I use SetApp for, and why I'm happy to continue using it

I’ve used a variety of applications from SetApp over the time I’ve had access to its app store. In this post I’m going to briefly talk about how I get the most value from SetApp.

By way of background, I’m a web developer and tech lead. I do this as part of a small company (need Ruby on Rails work done? 😉), as such, lots of the apps I use are technical or developer focused.

Why do I use SetApp and why do I recommend it?

I found two great apps which I’d happily pay a decent amount of money for; Clean My Mac and SQL Pro Studio. I will be covering them in more detail in later blog posts, but the point is I needed these two applications and was happy to pay for access to them.

Because I’d already received value from these alone, everything else is just gravy (or icing, depending on what food based analogy you prefer).

Here is the list of apps I’m currently using, I will try and keep this list up to date and where relevant link to specific review posts;

  • SQL Pro Studio
  • Noizio
  • Squash
  • Dash
  • SSH Config Editor
  • PDF Squeezer
  • Clean my Mac X
  • Gemini

SetApp works on the basis of one monthly or annual recurring fee for access to all of the applications within in. If you find even one application that you personally think is worth $8.99 a month (based on current annual pricing) then it is going to be worth it.

If you have a much higher bar for what “worth it” means, then you maybe need to find three or four applications that combined you’d be happy to pay that price.

With a lot of quality applications on their app store, I personally don’t think this will be an issue for you.

Coming up next, I will talk about how I search for apps within SetApp and how to install them.

This article is a part of the "SetApp" series

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