Formatting on Slack

How to do formatting on your Slack messages to improve their readability

Formatting on Slack is pretty straight forward, so here we go.

Bold text

Whatever text you would like to see bold, just pop some * on either side.

This is *my bold text.*

Results in:

This is my bold text.

Italicised text

Whatever text you would like to see italicised, just pop some _ on either side.

This is _my italicised text._

Results in:

This is my italicised text.

Inline code

To have some inline code, just pop a ` on either side.

This is `my inline code.`

Results in:

This is my inline code.

Code blocks

To make a code block, pop three ` on either side of your code.

def code_block
  puts "Yay! Code block!"

Results in:

def code_block
  puts "Yay! Code block!"

This article is a part of the "Slack" series

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