Making Custom Emojis on Slack

A guide on how to make custom emojis for your Slack team to enjoy

Slack is a serious communication tool but it’s also a lot of fun. I love emojis and found being able to make my own an absolute delight. Both of my cats have their own custom emoji! I’m going to walk you through how to make your own emoji now.

First of all you have to be an owner or admin of your Slack team. When you click on the team name on the app, a dropdown will appear that will have the option Customize Slack if you click on this it will open a web page. This is where we will make our custom emoji.

First of all you will want to pick a name for your emoji, this is what you will type into conversations to include your emoji. You don’t need to include the colons here like you would in a conversation. Then you will want to choose an emoji image. It’s important that this image is at most 128px x 128px and smaller than 64K in size. I generally just resize my images in the Preview app on my Mac. Then just hit Save New Emoji and your emoji should be ready to use in your team!

Another thing you can do from this page is set an alias for an existing emoji. You choose a name at the top and when you click on the link to set alias, you select the emoji that you want to set an additional name for.

This page also has a view of all the custom emojis that are already on your team, so you can go here if you want to delete any custom emojis. ✨

This article is a part of the "Slack" series

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