JavaScript articles written by JavaScript developers

We have worked with JavaScript for over 20 years; here are some of our articles on it.

We've spent over 20 years working with JavaScript. We've done everything from animations to single page web apps. We've worked through the `document.write` days and lived to tell the tale.

Making web-banners that would display a random banner on each page load was how Toby cut his teeth in JS. Followed by serious work in jQuery and now more mature frameworks like Meteor, Backbone, Ember and React.

We write performant, production ready JavaScript that doesn't compromise on performance and doesn't try and do too much.

Hopefully you enjoy what JavaScript writings we have to share.

If you have any suggestions for things we should write about please do get in contact, or perhaps you would like to work with us?

Adding a service worker to Jekyll

Adding a service worker to Jekyll

Here is how we added a service worker to this very site

Calculating Instagram Velocity From Your Browser

Calculating Instagram Velocity From Your Browser

A small script that lets you quickly work out the velocity for posts within a hashtag

Getting photo orientation data with JavaScript

Getting photo orientation data with JavaScript

How we can use exif-js to get image orientation information

FrontEnders - Web Performance

FrontEnders - Web Performance

Sharing some of my thoughts on a FrontEnders meetup on the topic of Web Performance

Creating a download button for Wistia videos

Creating a download button for Wistia videos

Here is how you can quickly add an external download button for Wistia videos

Some stats from frontend focus

Some stats from frontend focus

I wanted to play with some array manipulations in JavaScript to compiled some interesting stats

Removing Kadira from Meteor

Removing Kadira from Meteor

How to remove Kadira from your Meteor Project (since it is going away)

Meteor @dev was not detected

Meteor @dev was not detected

Why do you see @dev was not detected in test output when running cucumber tests for Meteor

Key code for Command on OS X

Key code for Command on OS X

There are a couple of key codes for the OS X Command Key

An experiment in highlighting words

An experiment in highlighting words

An experiment in highlighting words using only some CSS and JavaScript

Creating an iOS application in 5 minutes using Meteor

Creating an iOS application in 5 minutes using Meteor

How you can quickly and easily create an iOS app using Meteor

CSS last-of-type as a fix for last-child in Ember applications

CSS last-of-type as a fix for last-child in Ember applications

A fix for last-child with CSS in Ember applications and others

Making an app in just over an hour with Meteor and Heroku

Making an app in just over an hour with Meteor and Heroku

Here's how you can quickly get an app together with these tools

Please stop using features by testing for browser

Please stop using features by testing for browser

An issue that I encountered and why it shouldn't have been

Using Ember's App.reset() to kill off any local data

Using Ember's App.reset() to kill off any local data

How I resolved an issue with data persisting on the front end

What App.reset() does in Ember

What App.reset() does in Ember

An in-depth line by line look at what App.reset() does in Ember

Disable a button component with Ember

Disable a button component with Ember

How to enable or disable a button in realtime using Ember

Accessing Popover Data with Bootstrap 3

Accessing Popover Data with Bootstrap 3

How I solved this issue with access popover data with Bootstrap 3

Upgrading from Bootstrap's Typeahead to Typeahead.js

Upgrading from Bootstrap's Typeahead to Typeahead.js

A guide for swapping from Bootstrap Typeahead to Typeahead.js

A fix for window.location.origin in Internet Explorer

A fix for window.location.origin in Internet Explorer

A straightforward fix for this issue in Internet Explorer

Transliteration with Typeahead.js

Transliteration with Typeahead.js

How to deal with special characters when using typeahead.js

Typeahead.js The Book!

Typeahead.js The Book!

I wrote a book about typeahead.js, here's an overview of it

Setting a minimum length for your search in Typeahead.js

Setting a minimum length for your search in Typeahead.js

How you can set a minimum length for your search in Typeahead.js

Refreshing local data with typeahead.js

Refreshing local data with typeahead.js

Here's the three step process to follow to refresh local data with typeahead.js

Using Loops in Jasmine

Using Loops in Jasmine

How to call tests numerous times when testing with Jasmine

Using Bootstrap's typeahead from inside a modal window

Using Bootstrap's typeahead from inside a modal window

How you can go about using Bootstrap's typeahead in a modal window

Insert Gists without JavaScript

Insert Gists without JavaScript

How to insert GitHub Gists into your blog posts without JavaScript

Replacing Social Media Buttons with non-JS counterparts

Replacing Social Media Buttons with non-JS counterparts

How to avoid using JavaScript when adding social media sharing buttons

What Meteor does when you install it

What Meteor does when you install it

A quick overview of what Meteor does when you install it

Accessing PHP variables from within JavaScript under WordPress

Accessing PHP variables from within JavaScript under WordPress

How you can access PHP variables in JavaScript in WordPress

JavaScript KeyCodes

JavaScript KeyCodes

Some JavaScript KeyCodes that I find useful to have around

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Belfast Rails Supper Club

I recently attended the Belfast Rails Supper Club here are my thoughts and some more information about this meet up.


Google follows URLs in text

Today I learned that Google follows URLs even when they are plain text