365 Articles in 2015
My attempt at averaging writing an article per day in 2015
Something I really let go to pot in 2014 was the amount that I wrote online. I enjoy writing and want to try and force myself to do more of it. This is why in 2015 I am going to attempt to commit to writing 365 articles. Here are the rules.
** Edit. This is now over **
** Edit. Some links have been removed since the content has since been either removed or reworked **
My Arbitrary Rules for this Arbitrary Goal
- It isn’t an article a day, I could have days without any and suddenly five appear at once.
- They don’t have to be all on my blog, in fact I will be contacting people to try and get guest posts and will be writing more on other sites I already contribute to.
- They don’t have to appear on a blog at all, so long as they are publicly accessible it will count (for example I might do longer Ello posts, or something like that).
- Each article should be at least 300 words, this is to stop me writing really quick updates and hopefully means the articles have substance. (This means that if all goes well I will have written over 109500 words by the end of this, pretty cool!)
- The content can be pretty much anything, it will likely stay within the confines of what I normally write about but we shall see!
- I can ignore any of the above rules should I decide to.
Keeping up to date with my progress
At the bottom of this post I will keep a running tally of all the articles, this will likely be updated once a week or so, if you don’t see it being updated as often as you think please do give me a poke and let me know!
Do you run a site?
If you run a site and would be interested in having me write something for you please drop me an email. As well as getting free content without an agenda I will be linking to it here and other places.
The Articles
I made it 34% of the way through my task before I decided to stop.
- You are reading the very first article at the moment
- A recap of 2014 on The Footy Tipster
- My Ello New Year Resolutions
- Imagine your RAM was erroring
- My Blog Post Guide
- My Review of Veins (book)
- Me talking about Backblaze
- Gender Neutral Swear Words
- Review: A Web for Everyone
- Every Developer makes mistakes all of the time
- A writeup of Francis Davey’s talk on Law for Startups.
- What the
element can be used for - My Birthday Haul
- What every web developer should know about SEO
- Great iPhone games to play on the toilet
- How I am using Omnifocus
- Top football memes of 2014
- SEO and Accessibility are tightly linked
- Some quick semantic wins
- Some stumbling blocks I hit following my first Swift tutorial
- How you should properly caption an image in HTML
- A way to view Markdown files in your terminal
- Some of my notes from Seneca’s On the Shortness of Life
- Making an app in an hour with Meteor and Heroku
- Interview with Chris from MongoGoal
- The case for accessible web design
- My time at Buffer wasn’t great
- Divs still have their place
- Useful resources for content generation ideas
- My thoughts on the latest TechHubTuesday
- My research into Hearthstone APIs
- Some great places to get football news
- Please don’t actually use retweet/favourite polls on Twitter
- The best new fish & chip shops in London
- Why web developers should be using version control
- Set Intersection in Ruby
- The difference between Asian and European handicap betting
- Why The Footy Tipster doesn’t give out free trials
- Selling Vintage Belfast
- Beginners Guide to ARIA
- About section for CreepedIn
- Writing about CreepedIn
- Using Monodraw for making fun tweets
- Rails migrations for beginners
- My thoughts on Facebook’s Anonymous Login
- CSS last-of-type
- My first email out to subscribers
- Good Habits for Student Developers – Part 1 – Backups
- Squash a BR inside ContentEditable
- How the technical direction of a project can be influenced
- Great Football Twitter accounts to follow
- What I would look for in a Junior developer
- My thoughts on Refactoring large applications without tests
- A quick way to create an iOS application with Meteor
- POODIR on testing
- My post on Time Keeping
- Picking the right online bookmakers
- Getting Money out of Uganda
- Ruby’s Enumerable Partition
- Patrick Jubb – Re-building the Marketing Department to be Fit for the Future
- Robert Wint – Using Content to Improve the Customer Journey
- Ana Serrano – Digital Transformation & Continuous Innovation: the CDO’s Two Paths to Success
- Martin Trickey – Do we Tell Stories Differently Now?
- Kerensa Samanidis - Breaking in to the online video market
- Amanda Neylon – The Importance of Focusing on Social Strategy
- Mark Elkins – From Passion to Purchase: Coca-Cola’s Digital Revolution
- My writeup of day one of the Chief Digital Officer Summmit
- Another writeup on the CDO Summit
- Katrina Owen presenting Here be Dragons
- Updating a slug on a live Rails system
- A pragmatic approach to adding Schema to your website
- An about page on an SEO based project
- Good Habits for Student Developers – Documented
- My First ever Screencast :-)
- An image laden post I made about football memories
- How to post to little logs from your terminal
- I love Programming
- A way I sped up my internet on the mac
- Getting good team information
- iPhone photos not freeing up space when deleted
- Never assume your wage is safe
- Webcam / Photo Booth Library fun!
- Knowing if you have a gambling problem
- Facebook killing my page rant
- Deleting Attachments with rails_admin
- Some iTerm tricks
- Custom Routing of Github Emails
- I wonder aloud what a Proc is
- What a Developer can take away from SEO Now 2015
- Adding Descriptions to Pages with Jekyll
- My review of Scrutiny5
- HTTP Status Codes for SEO
- Getting HTTP Status Codes from the command line
- Hiding the doc for fun and profit!
- Upping the tracking speed on your mouse
- Some of my favourite Mac Shortcuts
- Mac Apps I use to stay productive
- A stupid post on vasectomies
- The quality of input and output
- Mastering your Tools
- My iPhone is pretty much my main content generating computer now
- A short plee for questions for TheFootyTipster
- I ponder out loud about the future of football betting
- The difference between Render and Redirect in Rails
- Tracking Ctrl+F clicks in Google Analytics
- Checking for both versions of the GA tracking code in JavaScript
- A quick experiment I did in highlighting words with JavaScript
- Uploading files with Capybara for Rspec
- Join the Anthony Nolan Register
- The key codes for the command key on Mac keyboards
- An interview with Ian on how he feels the football is going this year
- Calling time on this project